Dayle Krall is Lady Houdini!


The Full View Water Torture Escape

Dayle Krall in the Full View Water Torture Escape

This is the premiere of Dayle Krall's Extreme Full View Water Torture Escape!

Dayle Krall has a metal collar locked around her neck. This metal collar is locked to four points; the two sides, the back and the bottom of the tank. This extremely limits Dayle's mobility.

Dayle is secured in a pair of ungimmicked Smith and Wesson handcuffs and the handcuffs are locked to the chain which is locked to the floor of the tank.

The tank is filled with water and the lid locked. Once free of her manacles, Dayle must then pick the lock on the small trap door in the lid in order to access the outside combination lock. All of this is done in full view!

To view a video of this escape please click here.

This Full View Water Torture Escape is an original creation of Lady Houdini. All rights reserved.

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