Dayle Krall is Lady Houdini!

Lady Houdini on America's Got Talent    
Lady Houdini on America's Got Talent
Houdini's Chinese Water Torture Cell    
Houdini's Chinese Water Torture Cell.
Celebrating the 100th Anniversary!
Houdini in his Chinese Water Torture Cell
Full View Water Torture Cell    
Full View Water Torture Cell
Practicing in the Pool 2    
Practicing in the Pool 2
Dayle Krall on Adventure Woman Radio    
Dayle Krall was featured on the popular Blog Talk Radio show Adventure Woman Radio. Click here to listen.
The Premiere of Dayle Krall's Extreme Full View Water Torture Escape    
The Premiere of Dayle Krall's Extreme Full View Water Torture Escape
Behind the Scenes Video requested by NBC    
A behind the scenes look requested by NBC

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